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- Children First
- The Children First Program provides employment and training services to unemployed and underemployed non-custodial parents who are not meeting their child support obligations.
- Re-Entry
- The Re-Entry Program is a partnership between Madison-Area Urban Ministry (MUM), Dane County Human Services and the Employment and Training Association (EATA) which provides FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) services to ex-offenders.
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
- WIOA seeks to more fully integrate Wisconsin’s workforce and talent development systems to better serve employers and job seekers.
- LIFT Dane
- The purpose of LIFT Dane is to provide efficient, technology-driven legal assistance to clear civil legal barriers that are causing financial harm to Dane County households'.
- Windows to Work
- Windows to Work (W2W) is a program that provides re-entry tools, support and career coaching services to incarcerated individuals.
- Job Center Network
- The Job Center Network is united with other community based service providers, educational institutions and our local business community.