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Employment & Training
Association, Inc

EATA Programs

Children First
The Children First Program provides employment and training services to unemployed and underemployed non-custodial parents who are not meeting their child support obligations.
The Re-Entry Program is a partnership between Madison-Area Urban Ministry (MUM), Dane County Human Services and the Employment and Training Association (EATA) which provides FoodShare Employment and Training (FSET) services to ex-offenders.
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
WIOA seeks to more fully integrate Wisconsin’s workforce and talent development systems to better serve employers and job seekers.
The purpose of LIFT Dane is to provide efficient, technology-driven legal assistance to clear civil legal barriers that are causing financial harm to Dane County households'.
Windows to Work
Windows to Work (W2W) is a program that provides re-entry tools, support and career coaching services to incarcerated individuals.
Job Center Network
The Job Center Network is united with other community based service providers, educational institutions and our local business community.